Keeping Quiet Central Idea | Pablo Neruda

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Central idea – Keeping Quiet 

The poet ‘Pablo Neruda’ in this poem suggests that he would count to twelve and everybody would keep still. He suggests that on the Earth, at our dwelling place, we’ld be silent and motionless. This technique of the poet is related to a way of  meditation, realaxation, introspection. This moment is unique without any sound and this way brings togetherness, some strangeness. This process gives benefit to all the creatures. Human being like violent mentality will also got comfort and their mentality would be changed. Poet also clears the confusion about total inactivity. Life is given for a purpose to be fulfilled. Total inactivity brings death we must be single-focussed for our aim, for forwarding our lives otherwise huge silence-death would knock at the door. We should never threaten ourselves with any fear. The poet advocates for nature (Earth) to give motivation for life to be alive and finally goes further for further proceedings and continues the proceedings. 

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